Skippack Fire Company Volunteer Recognition
February 19, 2024

This Sunday our volunteers were recognized for their service to the fire company at a small brunch. We will celebrate 125 years as a fire company later in the year with a more formal banquet.

Congratulations to all and thank you for your service!

President's award-Josh Taylor

Service Anniversaries
5 Years Daniel Cliggett
5 years Jade Hale
5 years Dale Tyczka
15 years Brian Lavenberg
20 years Joe Fennell and gold life member card
25 years Donna Forsyth
30 years Jeanne Kelly
50 years Ron Wilkie

Lifetime Calls
Jack Gross 500
Leigh Kelly 1000
Jordan Perla 1000
Matt Rotenbury 1500
Matt Risell 1500
Barry Evans 2500
Bob Forsyth 3000
Ray Bracken 3000
John Kelly 4000
Haydn Marriott 6000
Ron Wilkie 8500

100 calls or more in 2023
Sean Dusza, Ron Wilkie, Michaeleen Pacholski, Haydn Marriott, Dale Tyczka, Kyle Merkel, Roberta Bracken, Jordan Perla, John Kelly, Barry Evans, Ray Bracken, Josh Taylor, Jake Rowland, Keith Grierson, Matt Risell